Honors and Awards
Click For | Updated CV Dated February, 2024 |
Dr. Sandrine Mubenga, Ph.D., PE, Associate Professor/Electrical Engineer
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The current document is a statement on professional activities arranged in chronological order, with the most recent on top.
A. Selected Scholarly Awards and Honors
1. UToledo Edith Rathbun Outreach and Engagement Excellence Award, “Your selection was based your work to bring STEM education, entrepreneurship, and research to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, The United States and the world through your STEM DRC initiative are contributing factors in your selection. The impact of your work is demonstrated by the number of scholarships awarded by your program over the past three years”, Mar.25 2022
2. Won the Outstanding African Achiever Award as part of the African Genius Award. The African Genius Awards are one of the biggest Awards in Africa that takes place annually. The awards event is to recognize, appreciate, and celebrate African geniuses whose extraordinary display of brilliance has helped solved pressing issues in their countries and communities. The first edition of African Genius Awards took place on May 25 this year at the prestigious University of Pretoria, South Africa. May 25, 2022
3. Invited to be a member of the Consultative Group to support the International Energy Agency (IEA) Digital Demand –Driven Electricity Network Initiative (3DEN), July 26, 2021.
4. Participant to the G20 Meeting as a Representative within the Energy Transition and Climate Change Working Group, Italy, spring 2021.
5. 2021 Award of Excellence in Science, Technology, and Innovation, by the Bamako Forum. (Prix d’Excellence en Science, Technologie et Innovation, Forum de Bamako) June 2021. https://www.africapresse.paris/Didier-Acouetey-AfricSearch-au-Forum-de-Bamako-La-jeunesse-africaine-abesoin-d?lang=fr
6. Ngalula Sandrine Mubenga US patent 63/167,471 (pending) “Efficiency Measuring Apparatus, Active Equalizer Inductor Design Tool, and Equalizer Design App”, 03/29/2021.
7. Ngalula Sandrine Mubenga keynote presentation at the inaugural University of Toledo College of Engineering Town Hall Meeting hosted by Dean Tool, June 2020.
8. Initiated a Cooperative Memorandum of Understanding (CMOU) between the University of Toledo and The University of Loyola in Congo to explore collaboration between the two institutions. The CMOU was signed into effect in summer 2020
9. Elevation to Senior Member grade by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers(IEEE) –New, USA- June, 2020
10. 2018 Engineer of the Year Award by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers(IEEE) –Toledo Section, Toledo, Ohio USA- November, 2018
11. 2018 First Place Best Poster Award at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer National Aerospace and Electronics Conference ( IEEE NAECON2018), Dayton, OH, USA- July, 2018. http://sites.ieee.org/naecon-2018/grand-challenge/
12. 2018 IEEE Certificate of Appreciation in grateful recognition of 10 years of service as an IEEE member, Toledo, Ohio, USA- November 15, 2018.
13. 2018-2019 Co-op Hall of Fame by the World Association of Cooperative Education-September 22, 2018 https://www.waceinc.org/coophof/hall2019/pg5.html Nominated by the College of Engineering
14. Featured as “2018 Women Killin’ it in Sustainability”, Natalie Colarossi, The University Network https://www.tun.com/blog/women-killin-it-sustainability-research/
15. 2018 Design News 10 of the Most Important Balck Female Engineers , USA –March 5, 2018 https://www.designnews.com/electronics-test/10-most-important-black-woman-engineers
Assistant Professor/Electrical Engineer
Ngalula Sandrine Mubenga, Ph.D., PE
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B. Peer-Reviewed Publications Submitted
16. Mubenga, Ngalula Sandrine, and Thomas Stuart. 2022. “Capacity Measurements for Second Life EV Batteries” Electricity 3, no. 3: 396-409. https://doi.org/10.3390/electricity3030021 Received: 23 June 2022 / Revised: 9 August 2022 / Accepted: 11 August 2022 / Published: 13 August 2022
17. Mubenga Ngalula Sandrine “The Efficiency Measuring Apparatus for the Design of Li-ion Batteries Equalizers”, IEEE National Aerospace and Electronics Conference, Dayton Ohio, Aug.17, 2021 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9696391 -Published
18. Mubenga NS, Salami B, Stuart T. Bilevel vs. Passive Equalizers for Second Life EV Batteries. Electricity. 2021; 2(1):63-76. Retrieved online February 7, 2021, from https://www.mdpi.com/2673-4826/2/1/4/htm – Published
19. Ngalula S. Mubenga, Kripa Sharma, and Thomas Stuart “A Bilevel Equalizer to Boost the Capacity of Second Life Li Ion Batteries”, Batteries, August 1, 2019, https://www.mdpi.com/2313-0105/5/3/55 – Published
20. Ngalula Sandrine Mubenga and Thomas Stuart, “A Low Cost Hybrid Equalizer for Lithium Ion BESS “, 2018 IEEE Clemson University Power Systems Conference (IEEE PSC18), Clemson, SC, Sep.5, 2018. -Published
21. Ngalula Sandrine Mubenga and Thomas Stuart, “A Bilevel Equalizer for Lithium Ion Batteries”, Proceedings of the IEEE 2018 National Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON 2018)- Best Poster Award, Dayton, OH, USA, Oct. 26, 2018. –Published
22. Ngalula S. Mubenga, Zachary Linkous, and Thomas Stuart, “A Bilevel Equalizer for Large Lithium Ion Batteries”, Batteries, vol.3, no.4, article no. 39, published by MDPI AG, Basel, Switzerland, Dec.7, 2017 http://www.mdpi.com/2313-0105/3/4/39 -Published 5309 views, 1835 Downloads, 3 Citations as of 1/18/19.
23. Ngalula Mubenga, “A Battery Management System for Large Li-ion Batteries with Bilevel Equalization”, PhD Dissertation, the University of Toledo, Toledo, OH, Dec. 2017. –Published
24. Ngalula Mubenga: “Grid Connected solar photovoltaics in Island States: Challenges, Opportunities and Waste Management” by Ngalula Mubenga, Paper#381, IEEE International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications Conference, Palermo, Italy, Nov.25, 2015. -Published http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=7418625&filter=AND(p_Publication_Number:7405753)
25. Ngalula Sandrine Mubenga and Thomas Stuart, “A Case Study on the Hybridization of an Electric Vehicle and the Development of a Solar Powered Hydrogen Generating Station”, 2011 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, Paper#2011GM0558, Detroit, Michigan USA, Jul. 25, 2011 -Published http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6039198/
26. Thomas Stuart and Ngalula Sandrine Mubenga, “Utility Vehicles for the Hydrogen Economy”, Final Report to Ohio Department of Development, Toledo Ohio USA, Jul. 2010. –Published
27. Ngalula Mubenga and Thomas Stuart, “A Hybrid Equalizer for Lithium Ion Batteries”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technologies, Submitted Feb. 2018 – Rejected
C. Papers Presented at Professional Meetings: Competitive (C), Invited (I), nature of the association (Local, State, Regional, National, International)
Assistant Professor/Electrical Engineer
Ngalula Sandrine Mubenga, Ph.D., PE
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28. Mubenga Ngalula Sandrine “The Efficiency Measuring Apparatus for the Design of Li-ion Batteries Equalizers”, IEEE National Aerospace and Electronics Conference, Dayton Ohio, Aug.17, 2021 –(C) (National)
29. Ngalula Sandrine Mubenga and Thomas Stuart, “A Low Cost Hybrid Equalizer for Lithium Ion BESS “, 2018 IEEE Clemson University Power Systems Conference (IEEE PSC18), Clemson, SC, Sep.5, 2018. –( C)
30. Ngalula Sandrine Mubenga and Thomas Stuart, “A Bilevel Equalizer for Lithium Ion Batteries”, Proceedings of the IEEE 2018 National Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON 2018)- Best Poster Award, Dayton, OH, USA, Oct. 26, 2018 –( C) (National)
31. Ngalula S. Mubenga, Zachary Linkous, and Thomas Stuart, “A Bilevel Equalizer for Large Lithium Ion Batteries”, Batteries, vol.3, no.4, article no. 39, published by MDPI AG, Basel, Switzerland, Dec.7, 2017 http://www.mdpi.com/2313-0105/3/4/39 -–( C) (National)
32. Ngalula Mubenga: “Grid Connected solar photovoltaics in Island States: Challenges, Opportunities and Waste Management” by Ngalula Mubenga, Paper#381, IEEE International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications Conference, Palermo, Italy, Nov.25, 2015 –( C) (National) http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp arnumber=7418625&filter=AND(p_Publication_Number:7405753)
33. Ngalula Sandrine Mubenga and Thomas Stuart, “A Case Study on the Hybridization of an Electric Vehicle and the Development of a Solar Powered Hydrogen Generating Station”, 2011 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, Paper#2011GM0558, Detroit, Michigan USA, Jul. 25, 2011 –( C) (National) http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6039198/
34. ”Lowering the Cost of Energy Storage for E/HV and Grid Applications Using the Bilevel Equalizer for Large Liion Batteries.” Invited Presentation at The Advanced Design & Manufacturing Expo, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. March 7, 2018. ( I) (Regional) http://schedule.admcleveland.com/speaker/mubenga-phd-pe-dr-ngalulasadrine/49072
35. Speaker at Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Section Dinner and Presentation, presented “Grid Connected Solar Photovoltaic”, Rossford, Ohio, USA 11/3/2016 http://ewh.ieee.org/r4/toledo/ and http://schedule.admcleveland.com/speaker/mubenga-phd-pe-dr-ngalulasadrine/Toledo
–( I) (Local)
36. Speaker at the ICorps@Ohio Showcase, Columbus, Ohio, USA Oct. 21, 2016. University of Toledo Battery Management Team –( I) (State) https://youtu.be/lcQ9fSIKRwc
D. Selected Interviews and Keynotes Featuring Research Interest
37. Rene Mendy of BBC Smart Money interviewed Dr. Mubenga “Sweet spot: revitalizing the sugar sector in Kenya Also, vroom vroom: we look at electric vehicles in the DRC”. Feb. 15, 2022. Video clip available at https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0bp691k See minute 14:55
38. Jean Noel Ba-Mweze interviewed Dr. Mubenga for the DW (Voice of Germany) “ Une Congolaise developed une voiture electrique”, Aug.18, 2021 https://p.dw.com/p/3z8cF
39. Invited speaker at the African Union and United Nations for South-South Cooperation “African Women in STEM and their Contribution in the COVID-19 Pandemic Response” webinar, March 2021.
40. Billau, C, 2021, “UToledo Technology Gives Second Life to Used Batteries From Electric Vehicles”, published by UToday, Engineering, and retrieved online March 22,2021 at http://news.utoledo.edu/index.php/03_09_2021/utoledo-technology-gives-second-life-to-used-batteries-fromelectric-vehicles
Assistant Professor/Electrical Engineer
Ngalula Sandrine Mubenga, Ph.D., PE
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41. Mieves, J, 2021, “SANDRINE NGALULA MUBENGA: Köpfe aus der einen Welt, published by Christ in der Gegenwart” on January 3, 2021, and retrieved online January 18, 2021, from https://www.herder.de/cig/cigausgaben/ archiv/2021/1-2021/koepfe-aus-der-einen-welt/
42. Ngalula Sandrine Mubenga: “A Bilevel Equalizer to Boost the Capacity of Second Life EV Batteries” Keynote presentation at The International Conference on Advances in Energy Research and Applications (ICAERA’20) 2020, Toronto, Canada, In Press, September 2020 -(I) (International)
43. Ngalula Sandrine Mubenga, “Women in Power Breaking the Glass Ceiling” panel discussion at the IEEE PES and IAS PowerAfrica Conference, August 2020, Completed/Published, August 2020–(I) (International)
44. Ngalula Sandrine Mubenga, “ Africa Foresight Days”, invited as thought leader at the Africa Integration Day organized by the African Union and the Afro Champions Initiative, July 2020- (I)(International)
45. Ngalula Sandrine Mubenga interview by the Next Einstein Forum “ Opportunities and challenges for transition to renewable energy in Africa, July 3, 2020 (I)(international)
46. Ngalula Sandrine Mubenga invited to give the keynote presentation at the very first University of Toledo College of Engineering Town Hall Meeting hosted by Dean Tool, June 2020, Toledo, Ohio, USA- (I) (Local)
47. Ngalula Sandrine Mubenga interview by the Toledo Blade newspaper” UT Professor works to Aid Native Congo during Pandemic”, Toledo, Ohio, May 26, 2020 (I) (Local) https://www.toledoblade.com/local/Coronavirus/2020/05/26/ut-professor-works-to-aid-native-congo-duringpandemic/stories/20200525053
48. Ngalula Sandrine Mubenga interview by Christine Billau of UToledo News “ Utoledo Electrical Engineer Leading Charge to build Ventilators in the Congo” Toledo, Ohio, May 15, 2020 (I) (Local) https://media.utoledo.edu/2020/05/14/utoledo-electrical-engineer-leading-charge-to-build-ventilators-in-the-congo/entilators-in-thecongo/
49. Ngalula Mubenga profile story film by Jeff Swicord of Voice of America “Girl Power”, 2020 https://www.voanews.com/episode/girl-power-4214376
50. Ngalula Mubenga” Perspectives on changes to clean energy and sustainable living practices”, interview with the Midwest Renewable Energy Association- 30th anniversary interview series, February 2020, (I) (Regional)
51. Ngalula Mubenga’s keynote at the Imagination Station- Girl Power Event, Toledo, Ohio, USA- February 2020 (I)(Local)
52. Ngalula Mubenga, “From STEM to PV” presentation, Journees Nationales du Photovoltaique (JNPV), France, Published, December 2019- –(I) (International)
53. Ngalula Mubenga “ How STEM Education Can Solve the World’s Greatest Challenges”, Tedx Montrouge, Paris, France- November 2019 (I)(International)
54. Ngalula Mubenga guest speech at the University of Toledo WLC Roundtable organized by the Department of Foreign Languages, October 3, 2019- (I)(Local)
55. Ngalula Mubenga speech at the brown bag seminar organized by the University of Toledo Department of Sociology, 2019- (I)(Local)
Assistant Professor/Electrical Engineer
Ngalula Sandrine Mubenga, Ph.D., PE
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56. “2018 Women Killin’it in Sustainability”, Natalie Colarossi, The University Network, USA- Sep. 2018 https://www.tun.com/blog/women-killin-it-sustainability-research/
57. Interview by 13 ABC TV Channel, USA “Near Death Experience Leads UT researcher to her Life’s Work”, Lissa Guyton, Mar. 15, 2018. http://www.13abc.com/content/news/UT-professor–477013543.html
58. Interview by the Toledo Blade, USA: “University of Toledo engineer finds power from near death experience”, Jay Skebba, Mar. 10, 2018. Article and video available online at http://www.toledoblade.com/Technology/2018/03/10/University-of-Toledo-engineer-finds-power-from-neardeath-experience-literally.html
59. Interview by UTNews, USA: “UT Engineer Creates Solution to Cheaper Longer Lasting Battery Packs”, Christine Billau , Mar. 6th, 2018. http://utnews.utoledo.edu/index.php/03_06_2018/ut-engineer-creates-solution-to-cheaper-longer-lastingbattery-packs
60. 2018 Design News 10 of the Most Important Black Female Engineers, USA –Mar. 5, 2018 https://www.designnews.com/electronics-test/10-most-important-black-woman-engineers
61. Interview by Design News, USA: “New Battery Management Technology Could Boost Range and Longevity of Big Packs”, Charles Murray, Feb. 20, 2018
62. Keynote speaker at the Midwest Renewable Energy Association “ 27th Energy Fair”, Wisconsin, USA, Jun. 19, 2016 https://www.theenergyfair.org/2016/03/08/6865